Customized Financial Planning
At Shorebreak Capital, we leverage our resources and experience to provide financial planning solutions that encompass every facet of the client’s financial life and aspirations. We are happy to advice clients regarding financial planning, but our primary focus is creating and managing our best-in-class investment management platform and offering our clients discounted advisory fees, access to our Risk-Calibrated Portfolios, and Co-Investment Institutional Investment Funds. Shorebreak Capital’s advisors and relationship managers can provide specific financial planning advice at on ad hoc basis. Many clients utilize our investment platform and hire a third-party financial planning of their choice if warranted. We also recommend creating your own customized financial plan at Shorebreak Capital and WealthTrace are not affiliated.
At, you can access the following financial planning solutions
- Building a Wealth Planning Road Map
- Investment, Portfolio & Risk Analysis
- Cash Flow Analysis
- Portfolio Management
- Asset Allocation
- Retirement & Tax Planning
- Wealth Accumulation Analysis and Planning
- Estate Planning and Charitable Giving
Making fully informed decisions with the latest insight and strategies can give you unparalleled control across all aspects of your life and financial plan. We can help you address an array of financial planning questions to best align your plan and investments to achieve your and your family’s goals and objectives:
- Is our lifestyle secure for the future?
- What is a sustainable spending rate given our assets?
- Are there strategies I should be considering to transfer wealth more effectively and tax efficiently?
- Are we making the best choices in funding our grandchildren’s college education?
- What would a market downturn mean for our cash flow?
Fiduciary Standard
As a registered investment adviser, we owe a fiduciary standard of care to our clients, meaning it is our job and legal mandate to act in the sole benefit of our clients. We do not accept commissions or share revenue of any kind with the investment managers we recommend.
Our fee-only compensation model provides you with peace of mind that you are being served, not sold to, and provides us with the highest level of personal integrity in our work.